Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Shhhhh! It's a "secret"!*

Announcements, Announcements, An ow unce ments! Shhhhhhh! (Totally sang that as a throw back to Junior church 8,000 years ago, or "back in the olden days" as Zoe would say.)

There's a big change coming here in the Land of 2 Zs. We're going to be making it 3 Zs.

At least that's the plan anyway.

Z3 should be joining our family sometime in very early October. It's still a risky pregnancy, due to too many issues to go into right about now. We're at 14 1/2 weeks, and other than my uterus basically being directly on top of my sciatic nerve all is good.

The bigger Zs are very happy. The big one has put in her request for a brother, and the little one would prefer a sister but is okay with the idea of a brother. Daddy doesn't care, and Mommy wants a boy. Pink may be my favorite color, but there's ENOUGH of that in my house!!

*For personal reasons, I ask that any comments be left here, or emailed. I'd like to keep this off of Facebook for the most part. 

8 Thoughts on This:

Anonymous said...

It's the M-Hillyer. Happy for the announcement! =) getting more of us to pray for you and having a safe pregnancy! Love you TONS and hope it goes quick and healthy!

Anonymous said...

Denise B.

Yay! Congrats Sarah! Praying all goes well with the pregnancy. Can't wait to meet Z3. :D

Anonymous said...

Woo hoo! Congrats, Sara!
Sarah Hubmeier

Christy said...

Prayer covering from the Keller household. Congratulations my dear! We will pray for health for you and baby Z. :-) Love you so much!!

Christy said...

Prayer covering from the Keller household. Congratulations my dear! We will pray for health for you and baby Z. :-) Love you so much!!

thepsychobabble said...


Anonymous said...

Yay! Excited to hear the name. :) Carey

Heather said...

Omgosh!! How exciting! Congrats!