Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Take Two of These, And Call Your Shrink In the Morning

It never occurred to me in 2007 to hide the fact that I was seeking treatment to deal with depression. It never crossed my mind that I was supposed to be ashamed of the fact that I had a disease that required medication to treat. 

No one tells diabetics they should be ashamed of themselves for being sick. No one thinks it's taboo to talk about their gall stones, or their kidney stones. I can't think of a single person who would tell an elderly person not to talk about their arthritis because it's shameful. 

And yet.

When I blogged about my situation, a dear friend of mine was contacted by a relative regarding my blog post. The woman was worried for her great grandchildren, and she told my friend not to allow me to watch her children anymore because I was being medicated for depression. 

I've always wanted to ask her,

Isn't it better that I WAS medicated, rather than pretending there was absolutely nothing wrong with me? 

My name is Sara, and I am the face of depression.


May is National Mental Health Month. If you have a story to share, or need support or to know you are not alone, head over and visit The Band. We've got an extra tambourine for you. 

9 Thoughts on This:

Mandi said...

Very true how someone can judge you for what they see as being not normal. I like this comedian that says there is only one disease people can get mad at you for:

"Damn it OTTO, you’re an Alcoholic!"
"Damn it OTTO, you have lupus!!"

one of these doesn't sound right...
-Mitch Hedberg

Everyone has issues, who are we to judge?

Jana A said...

AMEN! Time to knock this stigma down with a giant wrecking ball. That wrecking ball is Band Back Together! We're doing it!

Carey said...

your blunt honesty. one of the many things i love about you. for some reason i'm just now starting to come out about my story of PPD. why is it so hard to admit this? especially to my parents. i think because it involves a baby and that makes it more taboo. i'm medicated this time and feel like i'm now experiencing what normal, healthy moms experience with their newborns. so basically i think zoloft is from God.

Sunday Koffron Taylor said...

I totally agree with you! (I also work with kids, I think that I have dealt with so much in life leaves me especially qualified to do what I do, but I know that not everyone would see it that way.

Jenna said...

Im sorry you faced judgment for admitting being on meds. Ive been in that place too. Thank you for sharing your story and for linking up to promote mental health awareness and banish stigma. Im with you.

Unknown said...

judgment is an ugly bitch.

know that many people aren't like that...and good for you for being outspoken; i KNOW that you have helped others who suffered in silence.


Tiff said...

Carey - I'm so sorry you had to struggle with PPD. And I'm sorry you felt you couldn't express it publicly. It's a horrible truth about our culture of "independence above all and don't you dare ask for help ever" that moms with unexpected roadblocks (whatever that looks like for you) are not allowed to admit we're anything other than happy.

Just because we don't all see sparkly puffy hearts and rainbows after a birth doesn't mean we're not normal - it means we're HUMAN.

((hugs)) to you, girl, wherever you are.

Sabrina said...

Totally great because I completely agree. Stupid people out there just need to keep their mouths shut. No offense to them, I'm sure they're good people. What I don't get is why that lady is worried. Isn't it better you ARE medicated instead of lying around depressed while her grandkids run around and catch our whole house on fire? (Not that you probably do that)

Heather said...

I too suffer.