Thursday, October 08, 2009

The Things We Say...

I can only recall one time in my life where I kept my mouth from saying what my brain was screaming. Once. So really, I'm not usually surprised by things I have to say. However, in the last two days I have said: "Your niece bit your other niece on the butt AGAIN!" and "I don't care. We do NOT stab each other with screwdrivers." While maybe not surprised, I am a little disturbed.

4 Thoughts on This:

Bratfink said...

Ah, so there is a buttmunch in YOUR fambly too!

Aunt Becky said...

It's funny the things that you find yourself saying. "No, don't touch your brother's penis, Alex."

SarahHub said...

Today I said "No Evie, I don't know why dogs smell people's bottoms." I know where you're coming from, sister!

Unknown said...

Love it....especially the screwdrivers... :D