Friday, April 24, 2009

Life, It's a Rollercoaster!

Y'all. I can't write a decent post today. So much I must tell the Internet, and yet, no words will flow from my finger tips. No Daily Convo that I never want to forget, no public service announcement to keep you from whatever stupid thing you need to stay away from, and while I could tell you a story about MY Joshua, I just don't have it in me. (Holy Run On Sentence, Batman!) There is a lot going on now. We've hit the busy part of our PCS. We have 2 weeks left. And I definitely do not feel ready. (Probably because , oh, we're NOT!) I'll try to be clever and fun tomorrow. But the movers are coming at 8, so I'm going to bed.

3 Thoughts on This:

Heather said...

Wow. Movers. ALready. I can't imagine what you all are going through....

SarahHub said...

Ah! The movers???!!!

Aunt Becky said...

Man, oh man. I don't know how you stay sane.