Monday, January 12, 2009

Heifer is My Personal Favorite...

Because I was bored during nap time, and Holly suggested it as a time filler, I played "Boggle" with the Hub's full name. I came up with all of these in 3 minutes. The sad thing is, there are more. Lots more. His full name has 32 letters. So here is the list for your enjoyment. Or mine...whatever... LOAF PILE CARVE LOAD PACED CALVES CAR HOE FILE VAPOR POP FREEZER LIPID FILES VAPORS FREEZE ISLE DIRE PILES HALO DEAF AISLE HOPE HOPES HOLD LOOSE HOLE PILLAR HOP HELD LOSE HEIFER CAVE PEACE FACE LOSER VAPID CAVED PIECE FACED HOOF HIP CRAVED PIERCE FORCE LIE HIPS CRAZED PIERCED LIES HEAD CALF PACE LIAR LAP SOAR PACES

3 Thoughts on This:

SarahHub said...

I like the Crazed Pierced one!

Wings said...

Heifer... Michelle Pfeiffer mixed with a cow (heffer)...

Heifer. You make me laugh =)

Anonymous said...

That is a worthy use of 3 minutes if there ever was! :-)