Saturday, January 31, 2009

At least it waited till 5!

Yesterday, my daycare should have been closed. Because of new construction we had no running water from 9 in the morning until 5 at night. But because this is the military, we hoarded up some water, and dealt with it. (I spent most of the afternoon at Holly's. Because I had to potty, and was not using the port-o-potty that was lovingly placed in my front yard!) While we were at Holly's, Little Z lost her lunch in the playroom. But missed all the kids in the room. Thankfully. When we got home, I kicked out all the daycare kids. (All two of them...) and sent the sickly baby upstairs with her daddy. I went back and got *Z* from school, and started to feel terrible myself. I chalked it up to the four cups of coffee and not eating much. I was lying to myself. The baby and I were sick. Luckily, we waited until almost 5, so that we had flushing toilets, and water to rinse the buckets. I sent *Z* up to hang out with unsick daddy, but that didn't last long. She opted to get sick at about 9:30. I got MAYBE 2 hours of sleep last night. And my children KILL me with how pathetic they are when they are sick. Absolutely kill me. This morning, all seemed better. The BRAT diet is working it's magic, and we all took a 3 hour nap. but now, *Z* has a fever. The sick last night did not have a fever with it, even though I was so cold, I would have welcomed some extra heat. But she has one NOW? Ugh. I am so glad it is a random three day weekend, so that I didn't have to take a day off work to deal with this. (It was contracted from a daycare kid.) Dinner tonight will be applesauce. Dessert is bananas. And that bum husband of mine? Not sick in the least bit. Lucky.

4 Thoughts on This:

Heather said...

Oh yuck. I hope everyone is feeling better soon.

Anonymous said...

I'd fire my unsick husband. Totally fire him. And then re-hire him to clean the slop. Because I'm loving like that. :-)

I hope it doesn't last long...

Bratfink said...

What is the BRAT diet? Does that have something to do with ME? :-ss

Wings said...

Bananas, rice, applesauce, toast. Yummy!

I'm still laughing from talking to you that night... and the hubs will get sick.

And sorry for being self-absorbed and not noticing at the time that your lump is just hard. I'm thrilled for that!

<3 LOVE!