Friday, November 20, 2009

Tagging Erica, Because I Can...

I am completely for arranged marriages for my kids. Seriously. Mostly because don't want them to end up with in laws that I don't like. So I think that Little Z should marry Dude. My friend Erica's middle child. Dude loves me so much he used to kick me out of his house. Today, while I was browsing 5 Minutes for Mom, a video of Dude showed up. Little Z came in and said "Hey! That's Isaiah!" and proceeded to stare at the screen for the whole video. After it was over I asked her if she loved Isaiah. She said no. (I think she's hiding her true feelings!) She even said no when I asked if he was her boyfriend. Well, what she doesn't know is, I think she needs to marry Dude. (This is seriously what I call him. To his face. Everytime I see him.) He has GREAT parents, his sister is BFFs with Big Z, and I was there when his little brother was born. I asked her who her boyfriend was. She said "Daddy. But I won't marry him though." Good. Cause I saw him first!!!

1 Thoughts on This:

Heather said...

I think rearranging marriages for our children to get optimal in-laws is a perfect idea. I have been using reverse psychology on my own in order to achieve my lofty goals....