Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Tackle It Tuesday

Tackle It Tuesday Meme
So. I'm nuts. We get the keys to our house on base next week. In exactly 9 days. Not 9 business days. And can I tell you that I have been feeling like we're living on top of each other in the apartment? So today, I am going to organize and clean and declutter the living room/kitchen/dining room/school room/dog's room. Yes. This is all one room. Don't you wish you were me? I plan on being done in three hours. So we'll see how it goes. I'll update every hour till it's done!
Wish me luck!
I have picked up and vacuumed half of the front room. Getting ready to shampoo the dog area. And I loaded and started the dishwasher. And filled three bags of trash so far!
I have thrown the dog's rug in the wash, finished vacuuming and now I must leave the house. I'm great at this whole tackling thing!

2 Thoughts on This:

Audra Krell said...

Yes, you are an AWESOME TACKLER! Way to go and props for staying accountable! Have a blessed nine days....hope they go fast for ya!

Bratfink said...

I hate moving. I hope you like yer new place.